Hur kan vi lära om och omforma designmuseipraxis och möjliggöra andra designhistorier? Tisdag 29 november 2022 bjöd Lära om arkivet, tillsammans med Designhistoria i andra geografier (Linnéuniversitetet, finansierat av Riksantikvarieämbetet) och Att omskapa design genom feministiska metoder (Designhögskolan vid Umeå universitet och Genusforskarskolan vid Umeå centrum för genusstudier), in till seminarium där nationella som internationella designpraktiker och forskare delade med sig av sina erfarenheter. Under seminariet deltog ca 20 personer på plats på Kulturparken Småland och ca 40 deltog online via Zoom. Dagen avslutades med kollektivt skapande tillsammans med de som deltog på plats.

Imagine Elsewhere – A Day for Re-Thinking Design Museums

Museums, as well as the design discipline, developed in parallel with Western Modernity with its way of forming knowledge and shaping a world. During the second half of the 19th century, design museums were founded in the metropolis of the global North as a method of teaching the notion of quality to producers and consumers alike.

Here, the foundation for collections and archives that still have a role in how design is understood, and its history is written. It is histories that still live in understandings of design, it is histories that through design practices create futures. To formulate other histories is to make other futures possible.

During Imagine Elsewhere we asked the question how can (design) museums make other histories possible? Practitioners and researchers who have been working with how we can re-learn and re-make museum practises shared insights into their approaches. Together we discussed how we can make diverse histories, and therefore diverse futures, possible. Or to but in the words of the philosopher Bayo Akomolafe: how we can go awkward.

Lisa Baumgarten is a critical design mediator working in design, research, as writer and as teacher/learner. She is the co-creator of the participatory research platform Teaching Design which focuses on design education from intersectional feminist perspectives. Since Oct 2022 Lisa is a guest professor at Studiengruppe Informationsdesign (Communication design) at Burg Giebichenstein, University of Art and Design Halle. Her current research focuses on design mediation as critical practice and the potentials and shortfalls of institutional critique within design study programs.

Michael Law Barrett is an anthropologist, researcher, and curator of the African collections at the National Museums of World Culture in Sweden. His research focuses on the history of the collections, as well as the representation of Africa and people of African descent in museums and other popular mediation practices.

Vanessa Zeissig holds a PhD at the intersection of scenography, design theory and museology. Her research focuses on the transformation of museums and the political dimension of scenography, space, and design from a feminist perspective. She is a research assistant for cultural education and diversity at the Institute for Cultural Policy at the University of Hildesheim.

Anja Neidhardt is a doctoral candidate at Umeå Institute of Design and at Umeå Centre for Gender Studies, both at Umeå University, Sweden. Her PhD research project focuses on the question of how design museums can be disentangled from oppressive systems like patriarchy, so that they become able to support change towards more justice. Before starting her PhD in 2019, she worked as a design journalist and educator.

Christina Zetterlund is craft and design historian active as associate professor at Linneaus University (Växjö, Sweden) and as free-lance curator and writer. She is working with history writing practices where craft and design become a lens for critically analysing social conditions.

Setareh Noorani is an architect, researcher, zinester and is part of various experimental collectives. She uses various media in her projects and artistic contributions to explore ways of publicizing and embodying, questioning processes of trauma and time; always moving in the grey space between academic research and art.

Anna Westman Kuhmunen is curator at Ájtte, Swedish Mountain and Sami Museum in Jokkmokk Sweden and a PhD candidate at the department of History of Religions at Stockholm University. Her thesis is about Sami religion in 1670 to 1780 with a focus on lived religion and the religious practices of women.

Sabrina Rahman is an art and design historian whose research examines issues of diaspora and interior design in Britain, Central Europe, and South Asia of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She holds a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, and has been a Lecturer in Art History and Visual Culture at the University of Exeter since 2016.


Lära om arkivet

är ett treårigt utvecklingsprojekt som drivs av Designarkivet i Nybro med stöd från Statens kulturråd och Region Kalmar Län. 

Christina Zetterlund

Maija Zetterlund
telefon: 0481-42870

I samarbete med

Virserums konsthall
Kalmar konstmuseum

Designers in residence:
Ida Liffner, Marthe Roosenboom
Rosa Tolnov Clausen, Daniele Burlando
Makda Embaie
Magnus Bärtås, Behzad Khosravi Noori
MADAM snickeri & restaurering
Evelina Mohei
Form och webb:
Mika Kastner Johnson

Med stöd från 

Region kalmar läns logotyp
Kulturrådets logotyp